Health and safety
Life has changed and Royal MMA is adapting.
We’ve amended our business practices to reflect the times because putting an intense focus on safety is the most important thing we can do. The safety of our members is our priority, and we’ll continue to maintain the Royal Standard of cleanliness in our academy.
Read more about our standard health and safety practices below.
Prior to Class
Our staff arrives early before we open to clean, wipe down equipment and open our doors to ventilate the air. We also turn on large industrial-sized fans to keep the airflow moving through the academy.
During Class
During class, we may use punching bags, focus mitts, and various exercise equipment. Members and staff will wipe down their equipment after each use as well as mop any wet spots on the mat during class.
After Class
We use environmentally friendly cleaning supplies to sterilize the training floor and equipment. We use an electrostatic sprayer to disperse cleaner. We also run our Ozone generators at night! Read more below.
Ozone Generators
An Ozone generator is a machine that pumps out positively charged air that contains three atoms of oxygen. The third oxygen atom makes ozone extremely reactive, which readily attaches itself to other molecules. When odors, bacteria or viruses meet ozone, an oxidation reaction occurs and both parties are destroyed. Ozone essentially reverts back to oxygen and cleans the surfaces it comes in contact with. This process is highly effective and environmentally friendly!